One of my Beta Readers turned that baby around in just a few days. I'm waiting on the rest. And while I wait, I've been busy.
1. Plotting book #4, 24Karat Killer. I plot much more than the murder. The story of what's going on in Bella's life---along with all the Jeweltown characters, is at least as important as the murder investigation in each book.
2. Revisiting my web site. Didn't realize how much dust had collected on it since I released Murderous Emeralds. (Of course, I've been busy writing Poison Pearl. Oh, and doing my day job. I'm a numbers cruncher.)
3. I actually started writing 24Karat Killer yesterday, and continued on this morning. Who knew the opening chapter would start with Bella in a shrink's office? Uh oh, trouble in paradise. My books might have happy endings, but they don't have happy beginnings. Or middles. That would be boring. Correction, that would be B-O-R-I-N-G. So Bella is talking to a shrink and I'll give you a clue...it's not ab out her marriage. One day, hopefully this year, you'll get to read it yourself and find out!
4. It's time for me to shine up my Facebook image and maybe take a peek at Twitter. Somehow, Facebook seems more personal to me. Twitter is more like shouting little electronic billboards. Maybe it's just me.
5. Write a blog post. Yes, at long last I'm writing a blog. No problem, I love writing. And writing a blog is a lot like talking. (I like that, too.)
So pardon me, I'm between books, and I have quite a lot to do. But consider this your head's up. Poison Pearl will soon be available both for Kindle and paperback purchase (all on Amazon). So keep your eye on my soon-to-be shiny new Facebook page. And if you can tolerate all the shouting on Twitter, I'll probably be there, too.